Sunday, August 6, 2017
Always A New Adventure
It's nice to live in an area where you've grown up and spent your entire life. My family has been in Tampa for five generations. Everywhere I go I seem to run into a friend, former classmate or relative. I think that's why I've always enjoyed participating in the local art shows and outdoor markets.
For years I've done the Tampa outdoor Hyde Park Market on the first Sunday of each month. I enjoyed spending the days at the markets with my daughter selling original art and unique hand made gifts. While you'd never make a fortune there, it was more about the experience connecting face to face with my customers and developing a local following.
Recently I decided to sell my original art and gifts in a uniquely wonderful shop here in Tampa, "The South Tampa Trading Company". It's a store like no other in this area that carries a wide variety of specialty items, gifts, art, home decor with a huge selection of Gasparilla themed accessories and beads.
Here's a short video of a few of my collections in the shop. I'm always adding new items with a
many new fall and holiday items coming soon!
So if you live in the Tampa area stop by South Tampa Trading Company and check out marvelous selection of incredible customizable gifts for discriminating shoppers. At STTC they feature the talents of many different trading partners, each with unique and fresh ideas.
#karenembrydesigns #karenembry #southtampatradingcompany #tampagiftstore #gasparilla #tampagirl #Tampa #gasparillaparade #beads #artlicensing #tampaartist "originalart
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
I am ready for a year filled with the promise of good things! It sounds a little ironic with the controversy in the political climate, but it's important to remain positive. We need to focus on being strong, staying true to our beliefs and understanding everyone's point of view (even if we don't agree). This is a time when we need compassion.
Compassion is my favorite inspirational word for 2017. The Dalai Lama said , "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
Compassion is my favorite inspirational word for 2017. The Dalai Lama said , "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion."
The Global Good Groups Blog, "The Art Of Politics And The Politics", expresses a common belief about art and politics:
"Art and politics have been inextricably linked through the ages and there is always a direct correlation between different artistic movements and the politics of the country and even the ever-shifting sands of world politics. The relationship between the two is at the same time complex and yet direct. All artists, whether they be fine artists, filmmakers, musicians or writers are influenced by the world around them and the changes in politics."
All things around us influence/inspire our art and politics is obviously no exception.
What's your inspirational word for 2017?
Monday, July 11, 2016
Happy to Announce New Fabric Line - "Pink Lady" collection"
Summer is here! What better time to create your next sewing project with my new fabric line, the "Pink Lady" collection.
Cute colorful flamingos, toucans, pineapples, tropical designs and more! So much fun!!
You can see it here:
Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for updates:
Happy sewing!
#KarenEmbryDesigns #KarenEmbry #FabricDesign #Flamingo #Tropical #FlamingoFabric
Cute colorful flamingos, toucans, pineapples, tropical designs and more! So much fun!!
You can see it here:
Follow me on Instagram or Facebook for updates:
Happy sewing!
#KarenEmbryDesigns #KarenEmbry #FabricDesign #Flamingo #Tropical #FlamingoFabric
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Art Licensing Show Celebrates One Year Anniversary
I joined the Art Licensing Show a year ago. It has definitely been a positive experience! With so many options/pricing plans for membership, there is something to fit in every artist's budget. Art directors can join at no cost. Now it's time to celebrate their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
This is my banner header on my home page on the Art Licensing Show.

I can feature certain collections on my homepage, edit and add new
art at any time. If you are an art director and a current member, my art portfolio can be viewed at
The Art Licensing Show was founded by artist, designer and creative entrepreneur Cherish Flieder. She is one of the hardest working artists I know, not to mention one of the nicest people you'll ever meet.
Here's a little info about the Art Licensing Show: is a permission based, virtual portal where artwork can be reviewed privately by Art Directors who are looking to commercially license artwork. Authorized Art Directors may request to see art from a wide assortment of participating Artists and Licensors and highlight favorite art pieces, all with a single login.
It is an online directory where art licensing companies and professionals in supporting roles can be be listed and found with a simple search by name, keywords, subject and genre.
Lastly, it's a a social gathering where industry professionals can network and connect with one another in groups, site updates, and via direct messaging to advance their goals.It's certainly work taking a peek at the website if you're an artist wanting to get your work in front of a variety of art directors and design companies.
I'm wishing Cherish and the Art Licensing Show continued success for many more years to come!
#ArtLicensingShow #KarenEmbryDesigns #ArtLicensing #KarenEmbry #ArtPortfolio
Thursday, February 25, 2016
"My Artistic Journey - A Memorable Experience at the Pentagon"
A career as an artist can be an "INTERESTING" journey to say the least. I have quite a list of obscure and unusual things I've painted as well as opportunities that have been quite memorable!
Recently I was looking through some old photos and came across a fond memory of one of those memorable opportunities that took place at the Pentagon!
I was fortunate to participate as one of the instructors in the "Take Your Kids to Work Day" at the Pentagon. At the time I was an artist/ambassador for Plaid Enterprises and was beyond excited to have the honor to do this!
Military personnel as well as all employees at the Pentagon brought their children to celebrate the event. On a chilly April morning over 600 hundred children attended and created a variety crafty projects in the Pentagon Courtyard. Numerous crafting stations were centered around courtyard circle that included t-shirt painting, scrapbooking, sun catcher painting, sand art and lots more.
Dads busy doing important work at the t-shirt painting station. I think they had just as much fun as the kids.
With the help of a wonderful group of volunteers and TARGET (they donated the shirts), it made for an awesome day for the kids and parents!
A few April showers couldn't put a damper on the event!
Lots of happy faces !
Just needed a little extra space to dry some of the t-shirts...why not on the Pentagon courtyard grass next to the beautiful tulips??
I'm pictured here with Linda (from Connect and Join) who worked extremely hard to organize this event. It turned out to be an awesome time for everyone and a day I'll never forget. After all, how many opportunities will I ever get to visit the Pentagon?
Sunday, October 18, 2015
New Holiday Flag at Lowe's Home Improvement Center
Looking for a new garden flag for the holidays? My new "NOEL" flag is now available at your Lowe's Home Improvement and Garden Center!
Friday, September 25, 2015
Upcoming Shows for 2015 and 2016
Fall is here and before we know it the holidays will be upon us. Christmas decor is already in stores
and Halloween is still weeks away! It's also the time of year when the markets and holiday gift shows are popping up everywhere.
For the last couple of years I've been participating in the Tampa Bay Markets in Hyde Park with my daughter Davi. This year we will also be at the Tampa Garden Center for their FALL FEST & HOLIDAY MARKET. It's always nice to connect with everyone locally that attend these shows.
Here are the new dates for our shows...hopefully you can stop by and say hello!

Tampa Bay Markets at HYDE PARK VILLAGE
(10:00 a.m to 3:00 p.m.) located at 742 South Village Circle, Tampa, Florida:
Sunday, October 4th, 2015 Sunday, March 6, 2016
Sunday, November 1st, 2015 Sunday, April 3, 2016
Sunday, December 6th, 2015 Sunday, May 1, 2016
Sunday, February 7th, 2016 Sunday, June 5, 2016
2629 Bayshore Blvd.
Tampa, Florida
Friday November 13th & Saturday November 14th, 2015
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Building wide show this FRIDAY NIGHT! Santaella Studios for the ARTS EVENT, 6-10PM Food, Wine, Live Music!
It's that time of year again. The Santaella Studios for the Arts is holding an art event this Friday, 6-10 p.m. It's our Winter Open House and Art Sale. Stop by my studio suite #314 (3rd floor) and say hello. Hope you can make it!
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Just a brief update on what's happening...
Where does the time go? How many times do you read a blog with an apology about someone not having the time to keep up with updating social media sites and blogs? I suppose that I am now one of them...sorry about being absent for so long.
On a good note I have been really busy with work, therefore I come by a great excuse honestly. I'm working with a few new companies so you will see several new products with my art early in 2015. I've also been doing some freelance work not to mention exhibiting at the weekend markets locally. It's been crazy busy!
My new schedule is posted below for the local Tampa Bay Markets, so if you happen to be in the area - please do stop by and say hello!

I have also added a couple of fun Halloween items into my Etsy shop...
As I leave you with this brief update, I promise to keep you informed more frequently on the latest happenings of Karen Embry Designs. Because my work schedule has been so hectic lately, I would like to share with you a favorite quote of mine that currently seems appropriate:
"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." Newt Gingrich
How true is that?
Have a great day!
How true is that?
Have a great day!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Finished! My new website is up and running! ...WOO HOO! I feel a certain amount of satisfaction knowing that I accomplished this using the Adobe Muse program.
Muse, was released a few years back, but for me it was a NEW learning experience. Although technically it was relatively simple once I learned the tools, it was a somewhat time consuming project. In the process, I learned way more that I wanted to about DNS servers, MX records, redirecting e-mail, etc. One bit of advice, don't shut down one hosting company before the other is completely active. (For those of you that may have made this mistake, you would totally understand).
My new website, is simple and to the point. Not a lot of fluff. You can find out the basics about me, my art, my studio and what I am up to currently... without having to read a book. Of course, it still needs a little tweaking, but the Muse program makes it SO easy. Hope you like my new website!
I would love to hear your comments...
Friday, December 13, 2013
Outdoor Fresh Markets
It's nice living in Florida. I LOVE the weather. It's the perfect environment for these popular weekend markets that have popped up everywhere around here.
You can find beautiful produce, unique items and a community of artists selling their wares all in one venue. It appears people enjoy venturing out to the "Fresh Markets" to shop and connect with local vendors. A nice switch from ordering on Amazon.
It's been a bazillion years since I participated in an outdoor show. But alas, I did it again. These shows are a little different than the old traditional shows and most are held once a month. A community of regular visitors makes it a nice atmosphere.
I enjoy the face to face connection with customers. The shows can also be a great test market for new product concept ideas for licensing. Definitely a good
place to get feedback.
I'm pretty sure that this is only the beginning of my "Fresh Market" adventure. Follow me on Facebook to keep current of my schedule of where I'll be exhibiting next. Hope to see you there!
If you aren't local to Tampa and want to purchase some of my items on line, you can visit my Etsy shop, where I'll be adding more new items shortly.
Have a great day!!!
Friday, August 30, 2013
Studio Happenings at the Santaella Studios for the Arts - Karen Embry Designs
I can hardly believe it's been almost three years since I moved into the Santaella Studios. Initially it was to simply be a working studio, but I have been pleasantly surprised to see the changes since I arrived.
A big thanks to Kerry Vosler for being the workhorse behind organizing the tenant artists to team up and put on the wonderful resident art shows in our building. Someone mentioned that trying to organize these events with such a large group of creative individuals was something like trying to herd cats. Sometimes it seems impossible, but Kerry always manages to accomplish it with the help of our artists.
Our next big event is this November 8th, 2013.
With more new artists than ever in our building, it will be our best show yet. I'll also be coordinating the grand opening of my new studio in suite #314 for this event on November 8th. I have been working diligently on finalizing the studio décor as well as creating many new pieces that will debut at the show.
Our last building event was organized by a private group, The Krewe of St. Brigit. They held a wine tasting and social along with our a tour of our open studios. We have an awesome gallery in the building, the "J.D. Van Pelt Gallery", that can be rented for private events. This brings in a wonderful variety of guests.
Rick Reeves -
and Sharon Dixon with a "New Leaf Floral Designs"
( are in studio #313
A big thanks to Kerry Vosler for being the workhorse behind organizing the tenant artists to team up and put on the wonderful resident art shows in our building. Someone mentioned that trying to organize these events with such a large group of creative individuals was something like trying to herd cats. Sometimes it seems impossible, but Kerry always manages to accomplish it with the help of our artists.
Our next big event is this November 8th, 2013.
Our last building event was organized by a private group, The Krewe of St. Brigit. They held a wine tasting and social along with our a tour of our open studios. We have an awesome gallery in the building, the "J.D. Van Pelt Gallery", that can be rented for private events. This brings in a wonderful variety of guests.
This is the brochure from the Krewe of St. Brigit that listed the tenant studios that were open for the event.
I had a chance to step out of my studio before this event began to visit with some of my third story neighbors and snap their photos in their creative spaces.
Rick Reeves -
and Sharon Dixon with a "New Leaf Floral Designs"
( are in studio #313
Lorrie Mason - Suite #300
Laszlo Horvath Suite #315
Marilyn Silverman
Suite #305 I am in my studio #312. This is the last photo in my old studio...lots of new things happening in my new studio #314!!
The eclectic mix of artists makes the "Santaella Studios for the Arts" a unique venue in Tampa, Florida. I hope you can make it to our next show!
Do what you love, love what you do!!!!!!!!!
To stay current on on all of my creative activity you may also follow me on:
Saturday, June 8, 2013
HERE WE GO AGAIN... but change is always good!
Almost three years ago I moved into a really cool art studio. It was in a renovated cigar factory that was over 100 years old. I put a lot of work into my studio, making it just perfect. The only problem seemed to be that I was outgrowing my space. What I had intended to be just a working studio had evolved into a gallery as well. So when the space next door opened up (which was more than twice the size of my original space), I jumped at the opportunity.
I spend so much time at my studio it's sort of a "home away from home". I am working toward designing an environment that is welcoming as well as an inspiring place to create. Here's the studio progress so far.
Here is what it looked like when I first acquired the space (looking in from the entry door).
This is now.
Facing the entry door...
A little brighter and happier...don't you think?
It's a little messy and I am not anywhere near finished organizing the space or with this project. I still have the old studio next door and I am very tempted to just make a doorway through to connect them. I am not sure yet if it will be cost effective to maintain both spaces. For now I'll see how it goes for the coming months as I try to get this new place organized and keep up with my licensing work.
Yes, "CHANGE" is always good. It's what keeps life interesting and keeps this artist motivated. I think Winston Churchill said it best, - "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often".
What do you think about change?
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
I recently found a couple of my first drawing and craft books my parents gave me as a child. I loved these books. I drew every animal and made almost every project in them. As you can see by the $1.00 price on the "Drawing Animals" book that dinosaurs had probably just finished roaming the earth...well maybe not that far back but who can remember when any drawing book was only a $1.00???
As a child, I was always encouraged to draw and create. Having a father that was (and still is) an artist certainly had its benefits as a kid. He was an art director and commercial artist for an advertising agency. He designed the newspaper ads and produced television commercials. Occasionally my sister and I were extras in commercials. My father's skills still amaze me to this day. I am still learning from him... and I continue to draw animals....
Just a few weeks ago I mentioned to my dad that I was working on drawing three dimensional animals (dogs and cats). Since most of my designs are whimsical, the images don't require exact realistic anatomy, but they have to portray an accurate representation of the the subject. My father always said this about drawing, "you have to know the rules before you can break them". If I am going to draw a whimsical dog, then I need to know the realistic anatomy and form of the animal. Drawing from the front perspective is generally simple but sometimes designing the dimensional animal/characters is a bit more challenging.
This past Sunday when I visited my parents house for a family dinner, I was surprised by some new things my dad was designing and working on in his studio. How cool are these?????????????????
There are always amazing things when I look around my dad's studio.
Just a few weeks ago I mentioned to my dad that I was working on drawing three dimensional animals (dogs and cats). Since most of my designs are whimsical, the images don't require exact realistic anatomy, but they have to portray an accurate representation of the the subject. My father always said this about drawing, "you have to know the rules before you can break them". If I am going to draw a whimsical dog, then I need to know the realistic anatomy and form of the animal. Drawing from the front perspective is generally simple but sometimes designing the dimensional animal/characters is a bit more challenging.
This past Sunday when I visited my parents house for a family dinner, I was surprised by some new things my dad was designing and working on in his studio. How cool are these?????????????????
Three dimensional prototype models of a dog and cat!
They are still a work in progress and you can see from the sketches below that dad has it all planned out.
These are great perspective models showing different angles for sketching dogs and cats. The dog's nose is attached with a magnet and comes off to show how it can be viewed from different sides. He designed these for me so that drawing different perspectives of dogs and cats would be simpler. These started out as just round paper mache balls. He's added all of the details (eyes, cheeks, noses) and elements. AMAZING!
There are always amazing things when I look around my dad's studio.
Funny sketches...he draws on anything.
Artwork by Gene Howell
Lobsters with personality too!
Artwork by Gene Howell
And this guy has been around longer than I have...
Oh and this is really cool. Not sure where he is going with this but it's made from copper and epoxy - unusual, but I wonder what it will look like when finished?
A couple of his paintings around the house...
Painting by Gene Howell
Painting by Gene Howell
I am lucky to have grown up in this creative home. I would have probably learned a little more had I not been a bit stubborn growing up. On the other hand, I believe that with the artistic talent, I also inherited the stubbornness. My dad and I still laugh about it - like father - like daughter?
I am lucky...thanks DAD!
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