Friday, March 11, 2011


It's an UNBELIEVABLE experience and SO EXCITING!!!! 

These were my first thoughts when I first found out I had won this amazing award for 2011!  

I just love the big cardboard check I's just too cool! Of course the real check will be put to good use to advance my career and professional goals.

This award is sponsored by Plaid Enterprises for current members of the CHA Designer Section based on their achievements as a professional artist/crafter.  The NEW HORIZONS AWARD was created by Plaid Enterprises to recognize outstanding designers and to enhance their careers and professional development. The award is presented to artists based on their achievements to date and professional goals. 

As an artist and designer, I am thrilled and honored to be the recipient of this amazing award! I am grateful to Plaid Enterprises for providing this opportunity and to CHA for uniting designers in an atmosphere where we can join together and share our creative ideas and goals.

I encourage other artists and designers to apply for this award for 2012. It's a wonderful chance to be recognized for your creative and artistic accomplishments, not to mention how awesome you'll feel when you win!