The sights, sounds and sweet smells of the Christmas holidays are here!
I love this time of year. Yes, it's usually crazy as I try to squeeze it all in ...the shopping, baking and my favorite part - DECORATING!!!
Each year I open my Christmas storage boxes to find the all familiar and sentimental ornaments I have accumulated over the years...each one holding a memory near and dear to my heart.
I enjoy working on new decorations to add to my collections. I am particularly drawn to silver and sparkly things! I thought that this year I would add to my holiday twinkling trinkets by creating from some of the objects I acquired from my treasure hunts to the flea market and/or thrift store.
So, upon searching through my trinkets I came across these two little white resin birds. I bought them last month in a Tennessee thrift store. These birds literally did come south for the winter! I wasn't sure at the time what I was going to do with them, but for sixty-two cents each, I thought they had definite possibilities. Besides, with the latest trends on "going green and recycling", this seems like the perfect holiday project.
Most of the supplies I used to fancy up my birds were all items I already had around the studio - ribbon, glitter, glue, and buttons. If you don't have these supplies, you can purchase the majority of them at your local Michael's store. I'll share with you step by step how I created my "Winter Birds" in hopes that I can inspire you to create your own new holiday creation. You may not find these exact birds, but if you find something similar, you'll have the steps I used to decorate my feathered friends or should I say "glittered" friends!
Step One: Brush the Liquid Leaf ( by Plaid #6180 Silver) over the entire surface the birds and let dry.
Step Two: Brush Tacky Glue on the top of the tail sections only.
Step 3: While the glue is still wet, sprinkle light blue glitter on the tail and let dry.
Step 4: Cut two pieces of ribbon into three inch sections and tie a knot in the middle.
Pictured here are also the snowflake buttons I used to embellish the birds. Glue one piece of ribbon to the back of each bird. Glue a couple of the buttons over the knot on the ribbon.
To finish: I then placed the birds on two round five inch mirrors and used some of my tree ornaments and Christmas picks to accent the silver duo.
Twinkle ! Twinkle!
Wishing you many blessings and the happiest holiday season ever!